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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/24 in all areas

  1. No todos los controles tienen las mismas propiedades: Private Sub Guardar(sh As Worksheet, r As String, ctrl As Control) If ctrl.Visible Then Select Case TypeName(ctrl) Case "Label" sh.Range(r).Value = ctrl.Caption Case "TextBox" sh.Range(r).Value = ctrl.Value End Select End If End Sub
    2 points
  2. Hello Everyone from A.Maurizio. I am writing to you only because I have seen the Italian Channels these days and I was shocked by the flood and came to Valencia and its surroundings. Therefore, being one of your members on the Excel Help Forum and an acquaintance of Antonio and others, I wanted to know how they are. That's all. Thank you. Greetings to everyone and good work from A.Maurizio
    1 point
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