Sub BuscarCoincidencias()
Dim hoja1 As Worksheet
Dim hoja2 As Worksheet
Dim rango As Range
Dim celda As Range
Dim buscado As Variant
Dim contador As Integer
Dim suma As Double
Dim celdaBuscar As Range
Dim ultimaFila As Long
Dim valoresBuscados() As Variant
Dim encontrado As Boolean
Set hoja1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Hoja1")
Set hoja2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Hoja2")
Set celdaBuscar = hoja1.Range("A3")
ultimaFila = hoja1.Cells(hoja1.Rows.Count, celdaBuscar.Column).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim valoresBuscados(0 To 0)
For i = celdaBuscar.Row To ultimaFila
buscado = hoja1.Cells(i, celdaBuscar.Column).Value
encontrado = False
For Each valor In valoresBuscados
If valor = buscado Then
encontrado = True
Exit For
End If
Next valor
If encontrado Then GoTo SiguienteValor
contador = 0
suma = 0
For j = i To ultimaFila
If hoja1.Cells(j, celdaBuscar.Column).Value = buscado Then
contador = contador + 1
suma = suma + hoja1.Cells(j, celdaBuscar.Column + 9).Value
End If
Next j
If contador >= 5 Then
Set rango = hoja2.Columns("C:C").Find(What:=buscado, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rango Is Nothing Then
If buscado >= 400 Then
hoja2.Cells(rango.Row, "F").Value = suma
hoja2.Cells(rango.Row, "E").Value = suma
End If
End If
Set rango = hoja2.Columns("C:C").Find(What:=buscado, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rango Is Nothing Then
If buscado >= 400 Then
hoja2.Cells(rango.Row, "F").Value = suma
hoja2.Cells(rango.Row, "E").Value = suma
End If
End If
End If
valoresBuscados(UBound(valoresBuscados)) = buscado
ReDim Preserve valoresBuscados(0 To UBound(valoresBuscados) + 1)
Next i
hoja2.Range("E5").Value = hoja2.Cells(7, "E").Value - (hoja2.Cells(2, "E").Value + hoja2.Cells(3, "E").Value + hoja2.Cells(4, "E").Value)
hoja2.Range("E29").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(hoja2.Range("E7:E28"))
hoja2.Range("F29").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(hoja2.Range("F7:F28"))
hoja2.Range("E30").Value = hoja2.Range("E29").Value - hoja2.Range("F29").Value
End Sub