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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/25 in all areas

  1. Para esa versión se me ocurre usar otra web y una UDF: Function InsertQRCode(celda As Range) As String Dim mirango As Range Dim QRCodeURL As String Set mirango = Application.Caller QRCodeURL = "" & celda.Value With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(QRCodeURL) .Left = mirango.Left .Top = mirango.Top .Width = mirango.Width .Height = mirango.Height End With InsertQRCode = "" End Function
    2 points
  2. Function InsertQRCode(celda As Range) As String Dim QRCodeURL As String On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes("QR").Delete QRCodeURL = "" & celda.Value With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(QRCodeURL) .Name = "QR" .Left = 500 .Top = 25 .Width = 300 .Height = 300 End With InsertQRCode = "" End Function Adáptalo a tus necesidades.
    1 point
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