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How to Move Days of the Week to Place Numbers in a Userform Calendar

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Hello everyone from Maurizio
Excuse me in advance if I disturb you for so little
But I have a problem that I would like to solve, but I just can't.
My problem is this:
I would like the days of the week inserted in a Userform to be able to move based on Today's date inserted in a label
I thought I could solve everything using the Excel function (=Date(year;month;1))
Then transform it into NumberFormat = "ddd"
But I see that this doesn't work
Could you kindly give me a hand?
Thank you. Greetings from A.Maurizio
(P.S) Granfde Real Madrid


  • Solution

Ciao Antoni come sempre sei il migliore
Sei fantastico perché era esattamente quello che cercavo di fare da un po' di tempo.
Ma ho ancora molto da imparare da te
Grazie infinito
Saluti sinceri da A.Maurizio
Ciao Antoni, come sempre sei il migliore
Sei fantastico perché era esattamente quello che stavo cercando di fare da un po' di tempo.
Ma ho ancora molto da imparare da te
Grazie infinito
Cordiali saluti da A.Maurizio

  • 3 weeks later...
On 03/6/2024 at 17:41 , A.Maurizio said:

Hi Antoni How are you!
Listen, I have read and I will reread your project on the calendar 
I immediately take inspiration to tell you that it is beautiful even if it is a little imprecise in some dates of the Type (31/10/1942) which falls on a Saturday
I have like: (20/04/1947) which falls on a Sunday.
But beyond this: I tried to slightly modify the manual entry of the Departure Date, inserting a textbox 
But I can't get anything good out of this procedure. Why?
And how can I solve this problem then Thanks to you and all of you 
Greetings from A.Maurizio

My NEW Project is This!



En 3/6/2024 at 17:41 , A.Maurizio dijo:

Hi Antoni 
I just took a look at your new project 
And I Also Tried Entering All the Dates That I Know Best 
And I must confirm once again that you are a genius 
As Everything Works Wonderfully.

Can I ask you again please what does your dialed code do?

In Practice When You Write This Bit Of Code:
   'Resaltar domingos
   "For Día1 = Día1 + 1 To DateAdd("m", 1, Día1 - 1)
      If Weekday(Día1) = 1 Then Controls("D" & Day(Día1)).ForeColor = vbRed

Since Dia1 or l is declared as (Date) 

While at the beginning of the listing you declare Year(Date), Day(Date), Month(Date) etc....!
Is not the same thing !
That's all. Thank you


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