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How to Restrict Userform very slowly ; Taking advantage of my Timer

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Hello everyone from Maurizio
I have a problem that despite its simplicity
He's making me crazy.
My problem is this:In an excel form:
I entered Three Keys
With the first key , if it is pressed I would like the Form to close with the function"Height"Conversely if I press the second key it should close using the function

"Width"The Third key I simply use the " End "

Therefore I close everything very quickly.

Now my problem would be to get the two closures:
" Width " and " Height " much more slowly that 's all !

I guarantee you that I have tried them all but precisely because I would like to keep this formula intact
I haven't succeeded yet!
Do you have an idea how to fix this
Thanks Greetings and Good Work to all from A.Maurizio



Hello JasallBcn and a pleasure to meet you.
I tried your project and I really like it also because you took advantage of the windows api
Which I must say that in this context they help a lot.

But I wanted to ask you; As long as you still want to explain everything to me, and the thing is this:
Because if I use the function ( frmMain.Height ) the closure of the Userform happens perfectly.

But if I run the only function ( frmMain.Width )
The form is only half closed as seen in my Image
And it doesn't happen at all?

That's all : Thank you
Greetings to all and Happy Weekend.



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