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Create and Store the Three File Formats in my Word / Excel / PDF folder

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Hi Everyone my new problem is this:

On an excel sheet with Office 2007 I entered numbers ranging from cell (A1: E18)
And Three Shape Buttons
Now the purpose of this project and that I would like to be able to achieve is this:

1) Pressing the first key It should from Routine Create a Word Sheet and insert it in my sub Folder called (Attachments) with only the data taken from the cells (A1: E18) and save it with the name I insert in the cell (I1)

2) The Same Thing You Should Be Achieving with an Excel Sheet

3) Also for what concerns the file in pdf format which in some ways is the only one that I was able to make work Except for the fact that I would like it to take into consideration only the numbered cells and not the whole sheet.

I wish you could also insert the image both in the saved Excel sheet and in the Word and PDF sheet

A bit like I did it manually in the various formats that you find in the subfolder called (Attachments) all here

Thank you for all the help you will want to give me on this
Greetings from A.Maurizio



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