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Libro de Excel con macros en pagina WEB


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Hola, tengo enlazado un archivo de excel a una pagina web (aun en pruebas), es para que rellene un listado y me envie un correo al finalizar. En Excel funciona OK, pero al quererlo hacer funcionar desde un hipervinculo en la Pagina WEB, uno de los macros que rellena un tertbox al seleccionar un texte desde un listado en un combobox me da fallo

"Se ha producido el error '1004' en el tiempo de ejecución: Error en el método 'Sheets' de objeto '_Global' " :mad:

"Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

valor = ComboBox1

posicion = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(valor, Sheets("PRODUCTOS").Range("C5:C212"), 0) + 4

TextBox6.Value = Sheets("PRODUCTOS").Cells(posicion, 4)

End Sub"

La línea posicion aparece marcada en el depurador de vb por generar el fallo.

¿Alguna idea de como resolverlo?

Otra pregunta: ¿hay alguna manera de que un hipervinculo abra un archivo de excel en el programa de excel y no dentro de la pagina web?

Gracias :orange:



He encontrado una solucion, no me gusta porque obligo a todos los archivos de excel a abrirse en otra ventana

To configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program instead of in Internet Explorer, use one of the following methods.

Note These methods configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program for all users."

Method 1: Use the Folder Options tool

Note If you are running Windows NT 4.0, you may not be able to use the following procedure to configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program. If you are running Windows NT 4.0, use Method 2.

Note If you are running Terminal Server on Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003, you may not be able to click Advanced to open the Edit File Type dialog box in step 4 of this procedure. This issue occurs if the NoFileAssociate policy is enabled. Enabling this policy prevents users (including administrators) from changing file type associations for all users. For additional information about this behavior, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


(Changes in File Types and File Association Features in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 )

Changes in file types and file association features in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003

To configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program by using the Folder Options tool:

1.Open My Computer.

2.On the Tools menu (or the View menu), click Folder Options (or click Options).

3.Click the File Types tab.

4.In the Registered file types list, click the specific Office document type (for example, Microsoft Excel Worksheet), and then click Advanced (or click Edit).

5.In the Edit File Type dialog box, click to clear the Browse in same window check box (or click to clear the Open Web documents in place check box).

6.Click OK.


How to configure Internet Explorer to open Office documents in the appropriate Office program instead of in Internet Explorer


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