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Problema con Setfocus


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Hola amig@s

Tengo un problema que no doy con el.

En el códigos siguiente, el Setfocus no “funciona”…

¿Qué estoy haciendo mal?...

De repente estoy trancado en alguna tontería pero ya “no veo” ja!.

Me podrias ayudar?


Gracias de antemano.



Private Sub cmdAceptar_click()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False


                    If Trim(Me.txt_fecha) = Empty Then

                        Me.txt_fecha.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                        MsgBox "Debe ingresar la fecha de la operación", , "CAMPO VACIO"


                        Me.txt_fecha.SelStart = 0

                        Exit Sub


                            ElseIf Trim(Me.txt_Descripcion) = "" Then

                                Me.txt_Descripcion.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                MsgBox "Detalle la operacion", , "CAMPO VACIO"


                                Me.txt_Descripcion.SelStart = 0

                                Exit Sub


                                    ElseIf me.cbx_Naturaleza = "" Then

                                        Me.cbx_Naturaleza.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                        MsgBox "Seleccione Naturaleza de la operación", , "CAMPO VACIO"


                                        Me.cbx_Naturaleza.SelStart = 0

                                        Exit Sub


                                            ElseIf Me.cbx_Operacion = "" Then

                                                Me.cbx_Operacion.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                                MsgBox "Seleccione tipo de Operacion", , "CAMPO VACIO"


                                                Me.cbx_Operacion.SelStart = 0

                                                Exit Sub


                                                    ElseIf Me.cbx_Fondo = "" Then

                                                        Me.cbx_Fondo.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                                        MsgBox "Seleccione Fondo afectado", , "CAMPO VACIO"


                                                        Me.cbx_Fondo.SelStart = 0

                                                        Exit Sub


                                                            ElseIf Me.txt_Importe = "" Then

                                                                Me.txt_Importe.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                                                MsgBox "Ingrese el Importe", , "CAMPO VACIO"


                                                                Me.txt_Importe.SelStart = 0

                                                                Exit Sub


                                                                    ElseIf Not IsDate(Me.txt_fecha.Value) Then 'verifica que sea una fecha valida

                                                                        Me.txt_fecha.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                                                        MsgBox "Fecha invalida.", vbCritical, "   ERROR !"


                                                                        Me.txt_fecha.SelStart = 0

                                                                        Exit Sub


                                                                            ElseIf Me.cbx_Naturaleza.Text = "Egresos" And Me.txt_Importe.Value > 0 Then

                                                                                Me.txt_Importe.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                                                                MsgBox "Debe ser importe negativo", vbCritical, "   ERROR !"


                                                                                Me.txt_Importe.SelStart = 0

                                                                                Exit Sub


                                                                                    ElseIf Me.cbx_Naturaleza.Text = "Ingresos" And Me.txt_Importe.Value < 0 Then

                                                                                        Me.txt_Importe.BackColor = &HC0C0FF

                                                                                        MsgBox "Debe ser importe positivo", vbCritical, "   ERROR !"


                                                                                        Me.txt_Importe.SelStart = 0

                                                                                        Exit Sub



                    End If



Prueba quitando la propiedad SelStart a ver que sucede.

Puedes adjuntar tu archivo para ver como se ejecuta.




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