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De Numero a Texto


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Que tal amigos del foro, aquí les dejo la función de Numero a texto por si a alguien le interesa y esperando no este repetido este tema,.. saludos

Option Explicit

Dim cTexto As String 'Variable para las funciones

Public Function Numletras(ByVal Numero As Double, ByVal Mayusculas As Integer) As String

Dim NumTmp As String
Dim c01 As Integer
Dim c02 As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
Dim dig As Integer
Dim cen As Integer
Dim dec As Integer
Dim uni As Integer
Dim letra1 As String
Dim letra2 As String
Dim letra3 As String
Dim Leyenda As String
Dim Leyenda1 As String
Dim TFNumero As String

If Numero < 0 Then Numero = Abs(Numero)

NumTmp = Format(Numero, "000000000000000.00") 'Le da un formato fijo
c01 = 1
pos = 1
TFNumero = "Son:"
'Para extraer tres digitos cada vez
Do While c01 <= 5
c02 = 1
Do While c02 <= 3
'Extrae un digito cada vez de izquierda a derecha
dig = Val(Mid(NumTmp, pos, 1))
Select Case c02
Case 1: cen = dig
Case 2: dec = dig
Case 3: uni = dig
End Select
c02 = c02 + 1
pos = pos + 1
letra3 = Centena(uni, dec, cen)
letra2 = Decena(uni, dec)
letra1 = Unidad(uni, dec)

Select Case c01
Case 1
If cen + dec + uni = 1 Then
Leyenda = "Billon "
ElseIf cen + dec + uni > 1 Then
Leyenda = "Billones "
End If
Case 2
If cen + dec + uni >= 1 And Val(Mid(NumTmp, 7, 3)) = 0 Then
Leyenda = "Mil Millones "
ElseIf cen + dec + uni >= 1 Then
Leyenda = "Mil "
End If
Case 3
If cen + dec = 0 And uni = 1 Then
Leyenda = "Millon "
ElseIf cen > 0 Or dec > 0 Or uni > 1 Then
Leyenda = "Millones "
End If
Case 4
If cen + dec + uni >= 1 Then
Leyenda = "Mil "
End If
Case 5
If cen + dec + uni >= 1 Then
Leyenda = ""
End If
End Select

c01 = c01 + 1

TFNumero = TFNumero + letra3 + letra2 + letra1 + Leyenda

Leyenda = ""
letra1 = ""
letra2 = ""
letra3 = ""


If Val(NumTmp) = 0 Or Val(NumTmp) < 1 Then
Leyenda1 = "Cero Pesos "
ElseIf Val(NumTmp) = 1 Or Val(NumTmp) < 2 Then
Leyenda1 = "Peso "
ElseIf Val(Mid(NumTmp, 4, 12)) = 0 Or Val(Mid(NumTmp, 10, 6)) = 0 Then
Leyenda1 = "de Pesos "
Leyenda1 = "Pesos "
End If

TFNumero = "(" & TFNumero & Leyenda1 & Mid(NumTmp, 17) & "/100 M.N.)"

If Mayusculas = 1 Then
TFNumero = UCase(TFNumero)
TFNumero = LCase(TFNumero)
End If

Numletras = TFNumero

End Function

Private Function Centena(ByVal uni As Integer, ByVal dec As Integer, ByVal cen As Integer) As String

Select Case cen
Case 1
If dec + uni = 0 Then
cTexto = "cien "
cTexto = "ciento "
End If
Case 2: cTexto = "doscientos "
Case 3: cTexto = "trescientos "
Case 4: cTexto = "cuatrocientos "
Case 5: cTexto = "quinientos "
Case 6: cTexto = "seiscientos "
Case 7: cTexto = "setecientos "
Case 8: cTexto = "ochocientos "
Case 9: cTexto = "novecientos "
Case Else: cTexto = ""
End Select

Centena = cTexto
cTexto = ""

End Function

Private Function Decena(ByVal uni As Integer, ByVal dec As Integer) As String

Select Case dec
Case 1
Select Case uni
Case 0: cTexto = "diez "
Case 1: cTexto = "once "
Case 2: cTexto = "doce "
Case 3: cTexto = "trece "
Case 4: cTexto = "catorce "
Case 5: cTexto = "quince "
Case 6 To 9: cTexto = "dieci"
End Select
Case 2
If uni = 0 Then
cTexto = "veinte "
ElseIf uni > 0 Then
cTexto = "veinti"
End If
Case 3: cTexto = "treinta "
Case 4: cTexto = "cuarenta "
Case 5: cTexto = "cincuenta "
Case 6: cTexto = "sesenta "
Case 7: cTexto = "setenta "
Case 8: cTexto = "ochenta "
Case 9: cTexto = "noventa "
Case Else: cTexto = ""
End Select

If uni > 0 And dec > 2 Then cTexto = cTexto + "y "

Decena = cTexto
cTexto = ""

End Function

Private Function Unidad(ByVal uni As Integer, ByVal dec As Integer) As String

If dec <> 1 Then
Select Case uni
Case 1: cTexto = "un "
Case 2: cTexto = "dos "
Case 3: cTexto = "tres "
Case 4: cTexto = "cuatro "
Case 5: cTexto = "cinco "
End Select
End If

Select Case uni
Case 6: cTexto = "seis "
Case 7: cTexto = "siete "
Case 8: cTexto = "ocho "
Case 9: cTexto = "nueve "
End Select

Unidad = cTexto
cTexto = ""

End Function[/PHP]


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